Thursday, October 16, 2008

Daily Notes from Stage Management

Lisa Ellis, the Pirates of Penzance stage manager, sends us notes everyday about rehearsal. Said notes include fun tidbits of information for different departments working on the show like:


1. Thomson would like a tall processional cross for the divinity in Act I.

2. We are using almost all of the daggers you brought us, and some of them could use some TLC. They are laid out on a table stage left.

3. Thomson borrowed a small whisk broom from the costume shop today…I believe that is more the style of brush he would like for the clothing brush.


1. The change for Frederic from cadet to pirate is approximately 5 minutes. He exits stage left and reenters stage left.

A new addition to these notes include:

The David Levy Requested QUOTE OF THE DAY

10/11 Watch him picking his butt! React to that! – Barrett Cooper

10/13 Natalie and I are practically married – overheard from Courtney McKeown, context unknown

10/14 It breaks my fart… – Colm Fitzmaurice, misspeaking the line “It breaks my heart..”


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